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The disadvantages of sleeping late night.We always hear that one should sleep early in the night,

But today, in the time of social media, we have used the night to spend time, But we should never forget that the night is made only for sleeping, not to wake up.

Waking up late at night invites dangerous diseases.

Let us make you aware of those diseases.


Laziness in the day, no mind at work, always full of head

Even you are not able to focus whatever you are doing.


It is said that confidence is such a weapon, without this you cannot do anything. It is ready for any challenge.

If you sleep late in the night for any reason, your confidence starts to decrease. Dipression comes in your life.


Today is the time of social media and people post messaging, games and updating with their friends on social sites after having dinner.

This social media has separated them from the real societty and after connecting them to the virtual societty and gave it the name of social media.

The lovers of mobile games spend their time playing games in night and they play the game till 1-2 pm at night.

Which waste their eyes moisture
And the face starts getting dark circles around the eyes
Also they live with a wither all day.


Studies have shown that people who sleep late in the night.

After some time they stop sleeping at night 

Then they start resorting to sleeping pills and they invite more than 10,000 diseases.


You may be less convinced that sleeping late in the night increases obesity, but it is true.

After dinner, if you walk and sleep early, then your obesity may not increase that much.

But if you sleep late night and play games after dinner, then your obesity will increase more than expected.

So you do not want to increase obesity then stop sleeping late.


If you wake up at night after dinner and play mobile on the sofa or bed, then you may get stomach diseases.

Our digestive system goes freely at bedtime, and digests whatever you have dinner very easily and regularly.

If you sleep late night, then this process of digestion is interrupted, and there is a possibility of diseases like acidity, indigestion and ulcers.

Because of which your life becomes dull.

SOLUTION - The only solution to all problems is to sleep early at night.



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