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What does network marketing success look like? It looks like the stories of the 15 individuals below. Some have gone to retire to the beach at a young age; others now offer coaching services. A few are still doing what they do best, selling products and recruiting others.

We all need a bit of motivation sometimes.
That’s why we’ve created this article.
It’s a compilation of network marketing success stories that professional and beginner alike can go through to get some much needed motivation.

Let me introduce:

Sarah Robbins was a teacher who was worried about losing her job in a shaky economy before she started selling Rodan and Fields products. Initially, she joined the network marketing program as a way to earn a bit of extra income.

But she quickly earned more than her teaching salary and was able to leave that career behind. Before the age of 30, she was making six figures each month from the company. Sarah went on to become the first consultant to be inducted into the Rodan + Fields Hall of Fame.

She was also the first consultant to reach the Million Dollar Circle. Today, she remains the top selling consultant with the company.


Eric Worre has had a nearly 30-year career in network marketing, during which he has earned nearly $15 million. His lengthy career has included stints as a distributor, time spent as president of a $200 million company, and eventually, president of The People’s Network, his own business.

He retired from working as a distributor and now focuses his efforts on coaching others and helping them achieve network marketing success. He started Network Marketing Pro, and regularly delivers live presentations to audiences of thousands.

Eric wrote “Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional” in 2013. So far, the book has sold more than 1.5 million copies and has been on six best-sellers lists on Amazon.


Like many people in the US, Ray Higdon lost a lot during the financial and real estate crash in 2008. According to his bio, he had gotten into real estate in 2004, in Florida. He made a bit of money at the time but lost it all in the crash. He not only lost money, but he also lost his property and his wife (through divorce).

A turning point in his life, he began dating a woman named Jessica and joined Numis. By February 2011, he had broken earning records with the company and made $46,000 in a single month.

By June, he had earned more than $52,000, according to Business for Home. He now spends much of his time offering advice and tips to help others succeed in network marketing.


We mentioned Jessica Higdon above because she’s now married to Ray Higdon. Jessica has a network marketing success story of her own, as well.

She initially started out on the Numis network with Ray. But the pair decided to sell their upline in 2016 and move on to other projects. While Ray works on his website and services offering network marketing advice, Jessica has created her own project.

Jessica is about to launch a program that will help people get a massive number of leads and recruits on Facebook. She’s already created some blog posts on the topic on her website and has videos on the subject.


Like many success stories, Donna Johnson had little when she started out. She didn’t have a college degree. She was a single mom who was working as a swimming coach.

Nearly 40 years later, she now earns more than $1 million per year and is the leader of one of the top network marketing companies, Arbonne. So far, more than 1,000 people have reached the leadership level in her program, a designation that earns them a white Mercedes.

Donna has been able to take some of her earnings from her network marketing career and invest them in projects that interest her or that give back. She runs a bed and breakfast in Jamaica and regularly donates to Streams of Mercy, which helps orphans in India and other countries.


Jerry Scribner was living an average American life, with a job in construction that he wasn’t thrilled about when a friend introduced him to the concept of network marketing. At the time, he was deep in debt and completely broke.

He’s gone on to become one of the top earners in the industry and ranked as the number 12 earner with a $860 million company, Steam. He now has a blog where he offers tips and tricks for building up a residual income. He also recommends books to read and videos to watch.


Most people would agree that Mike Dillard is a legend in the network marketing field. In 2006, he wrote a book called Magnetic Sponsoring that many network marketers credit with getting them into the field.

According to Forbes, Mike quickly became the number one salesperson for his company, bringing in $500,000 in a single month in 2010. It was earning so much money and having no idea what to do with it that led him to move on to other things.

He created a members-only site that featured videos from financial experts and others. For $97 per month, people could watch the videos and join the site. The project brought in $3.2 million in revenue in its first week.

Mike has moved on from that project and is now focusing on a business that will change the way people farm in the US.


Originally from Alabama, Mike Sims attended Auburn University and got a job in finance soon after graduating. Like many people who have gone on to have success in. networking marketing, he quickly learned that the 9 to 5 life didn’t offer him much satisfaction. He started working with two network marketing companies and quickly became a top earner with each. With his contributions, the two companies earned $500 million in revenue, each.

Mike also became one of the top earners and distributors with the nutritional supplement and wellness program Zija International. He’s also earned President Millionaire Rank with Wor(l)d Global Network, according to Business from Home.

Mike has used his success in network marketing to launch his own company, Mike Sims Worldwide, which specializes in real estate, apparel design, Forex currency trades and venture capital investments.


Robe fore truly has a rags-to-riches story. Back in 1990, he was 29-years-old and living on the streets, sleeping in the back of a pick-up truck.
Rob was able to tap into the power of the Internet back in 1996 to help boost his income and to begin bringing in five-figure sums each month. According to an interview on Media Shower, he and his wife, Lisa, put the information in a book they wrote on real estate online in the mid-1990s.

Eventually, the pair began hosting lead generation websites for real estate agents. They also participated in several affiliate marketing programs and built several web-based businesses.

Rob is also one of the top distributors with SendoutCards, and has established a network of more than 7,000 distributors with the company.

Dakota McLearn is a rarity in the networking marketing industry, which makes his story impressive. He was able to earn enough income from the Empower Network that he was able to retire at the tender age of 19.

Originally from Canada, Dakota was working long hour days and 60-hour weeks in the construction industry before he got involved with network marketing. He quickly grew disillusioned with the idea of living paycheck to paycheck for the next 40 years or so.

With the network, Dakota put together a blog that brought in enough income to allow him to retire to the beaches of Thailand before he even turned 20.

Marcu Dahlgren started out as a carpenter and is now known as “Mr. Attitude.” 
He’s been in network marketing and social media marketing for more than a decade. His first ever network marketing program ended up having more than 300,000 distributors and customers. He works with Kyani, a company that sells superfood based supplements. Marcus also offers coaching and participates in speaking arrangements, helping to inspire others.

Margie Aliprandi describes herself as a self-made multi-millionaire. She also

spends her time helping to make other people into millionaires.

Margie is a former beauty queen who was both Miss Teenage Utah and Mrs. Utah. Her early interest in pursuing her goals and maintaining a high level of self-confidence and self-esteem would go on to help her find success in network marketing.

Before she got into network marketing, she was a music teacher and a single mom. She started with Neways International in 1989 and quickly became one of the company’s top-sellers, earning a five-figure monthly income her first year.

She ended up becoming the first distributor to earn the Crown Diamond ranking, the highest level with the company. Over the course of her career, she’s built up a team of more than 250,000 people and is currently in the top 1 percent of network marketing producers.

Jackie Christiansen only began her career in networking marketing about a decade ago, according to Business from Home. She got her start in the field working with Ideal Products and quickly became one of its top earners.

After the company went bankrupt in 2012, she switched to SISEL International and quickly became one of its top distributors. Before her career in network marketing, Jackie worked as a personal trainer and nutritionist, so had some familiarity with the ins and outs of running a business.

Today, she offers her services as a social media marketer and expert on her website and runs seminars and training workshops to help others find success in network marketing.


Jordan Adler as an example. During his first 10 years in the industry, Jordan’s track record was abysmal. He worked with 10 companies and didn’t recruit a single distributor. In his mid-thirties, he owed $36,000, spread across 22 credit cards. He had just $200 in the bank. He hadn’t worked for two years, and earned a severance of $4,000 per year from his old employer.

Over the course of 36 months, though, Jordan went from networking marketing also-ran to network marketing success story. Since then, he has earned more than $20 million from his various programs, including SendOutCards.

Today, he’s the author of the book “Beach Money” and is regularly in demand as a speaker and writer.

Alexandra Laigle is a former employee of the US Department of Defense who has had phenomenal success with Lularoe. She told Business Insider in 2016 that she regularly sells around 1,000 items of clothing from the brand out of her home monthly.

Alexandra got in with the comfortable clothing brand in the early stages, which probably had a hand in her success. When she launched her store in 2015, there were just 2,000 other consultants. That number is well over 35,000 now.

Due to her success with the company, her husband has quit his job in the financial field. She still works with the DoD, even though she regularly sells $80,000 worth monthly and earned a $21,000 bonus check from the company in July of 2016.



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